Sunday, April 11, 2010

After an exciting end to February and then into March life slowed down a little. Ian celebrated his real birthday very quietly, we went out to lunch at River View Cafe which is a lovely luncheon spot over looking the Hastings and always a breeze which we badly need on a very hot humid day. A storm came up the river just as we finished which cooled the air. He then went off to Brisbane on 1st April to watch Andrew play basket ball in the Classics. His team was put up to Division 1 and they did not expect to do very well however came 8th out of 12 so not too bad. I had a quiet easter at home. Ian stayed on and will be home today, sunday 11th. I have been catching up on some odd jobs at home when I have been at home. Had a great afternoon out doing some photos with Rob Smith one day and have played golf a few days.
Our Port Now Exhibition is now opened at the Art Gallery and I am delighted with it. At times I thought this simple idea I suggested to the Camera Club was turning into a monster however it has all turned out well and the book "Port Now" will be released this week. Copies are $18 if you are interested let me know.
Sadly a very dear friend, Len Kennedy Clark, passed away on Thursday after a long battle with that inciduous desease. The funeral is on Thursday in Sydney.
Our plans are progressing for our trip overseas. It's getting to count down time.

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