Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The 31st March saw the first day of the Port Now Exhibition and two weeks later the book that we have published in conjunction, also entitled Port Now was released. To me this was like the climax of a long two year gestation. The exhibition has been a great success with more visitors to the Glasshouse than any other exhibition since the Glasshouse Art Gallery opened about this time last year.
My photography is non existent at present however I will take the camera out of moth balls soon and make up for lost time.
Sadly a dear friend of old, Len Clark passed away during the month and we all came together to help celebrate Len's life in Sydney. After the service the Randy Rovers went off to the Hunters Hill Club, had dinner and reminisced for a few hours over numerous bottles of red. Luckily Ian still doesn't drink and was in good shape to drive. Most of the wives know that they are the designated drivers very early in these get-togethers.
Ian spent the early part of April in Brisbane, firstly watching Andrew play Basket Ball in the Regional titles. He was impressed with Andrew's ability. After these finished he stayed up and kept Andrew company for the last week of the school holidays.
We are having such wonderful weather it is hard to believe we are now into May. Till next month.

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