Saturday, August 25, 2012

How fast the week has flown by.  It was cold and miserable the first few days we were here however the last couple of days have been much more pleasant with sunshine which makes just so much difference. 

Yesterday was Milly's 7th birthday which was a full day.  We started with breakfast at 7.00am.  Luckily the Motel is within walking distance, then the girls and Raeleen went off to school.  Guy wasn't working so we went off house hunting for him.  I had coffee with a neighbour whilst Ian and Guy had a quick lunch before picking up the girls from school.  Milly had a couple of friends around for afternoon tea, neighbours and Aunty Sally called in with presents then off to Denny's family resturant for dinner.  The girls slept well that night.

Today was my day shopping with Alice - this is an annual event, the one that is not having a birthday has a shopping morning with me while the other helps prepare for the birthday.  We spent two hours downstairs in the toy department at Ballantyne's department store choosing.  Mid-way through Alice  decided that we should go and have morning tea in the Tea Room whilst she thought about what she would buy.  After an orange juice and an enormous piece of chocalate cake we went back and she made the major decision.  We arrived home just as Milly's little girl friends were arriving for the birthday party and a great time was had by all with loads of presents to open, lots of party food to eat and they then made lovely little craft pictures to take home. 

Aice finishing our cake
 Mlily cutting her birthday cake.
We are currently babysitting while Raeleen is out with friends for a bit of time-out.

We have our last day here tomorrow and then catch an early flight on Monday to Vancouver.

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