Friday, September 7, 2012


Today we took our last trip on the Rocky Mountaineer which was a repeat of day one.  Kamloops to Vancouver.  It was a beautiful clear day without a cloud in the sky.  Again we followed the rivers most of the way.  The line is very close to the water and on the other side are very steep slopes to the tops of the hills.  Avalanches are fairly common and there are fences and walls to protect the lines in some places.  I enjoyed looking up to the tops of these hills which are sharp and have interesting features along the edges. 
We are impressed with the organisation of the Rocky Mountaineer people.  Today there were over 550 passengers on the train.  We were all picked up from our respective hotels by 7.30 this morning by bus or taxi which dropped us off at our carriage.  When we arrived in Vancouver the reverse happens.  Buses picked us up and took us all to our appropriate hotels.  Our luggage was already in our room when we arrived.  The logistics of all this is amazing.  We have been constantly feed every day on the train and I am sure that the weight I lost before coming away is back on already. 

The train was very long today.   We were about 5 cars from the front and I snapped this as the centre of the train crossed over one of the many bridges. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys. We won our grand final today 1-0!!
    Hope all's well. S
