Sunday, October 13, 2013


We decided to go back into York today and left the car at the Park and Ride.  Ian went off wandering around the city again looking at the various old buildings that he had on his list and I went back to the  Shambles and did some shopping in the little shops there.  Afterwards I went to a couple of Department Stores however Department stores are the same the world over and I didn’t see anything that said ‘buy me’.   I met up with Ian for lunch and we then walked up to the York Minster, a beautiful old cathedral built between 1220 and 1480.  It is huge and easy to understand how it took over two hundred years to build.  There was a long queue to go in and, as we had been into it last time we were here, we decided to give it a miss.  The weather had turned really bitter during the day and started the misty rain so we went back to the car and drove home.   Up until now we had been saying how everything is overheated but we glad of the warmth when we got inside.

Roy.  Melbourne Hall Estate was a horse stud for many years and this man was the Groom.  When the Hall was sold to it's present owners he sold Roy a little cottage on the property to live in so that he was able to stay on.  Roy, at 83, likes to keep the place looking ship shape and 'besides, what else would I do with my day after I've fed my horses and check the stock on the place,  after all I'm only 83.  Not sure if you can see but he is wearing a white shirt and tie under the dust jacket.  Old habits are hard to undo. 

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